Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Effects Of Alcohol On Health

Everybody looks forward to Friday evening and the weekend. A lot of us like to go out and have a few drinks with friends, especially after a hard work week. It is time to unwind. Thoughthere is nothing wrong with this, one mustremember a few things.
You may think since you exercise everyday, consuming a few alcoholic drinks to unwind is quite harmless. That said you still need to bear a few things in mind.
Studies have shown that even a smallquantity of alcohol tends to raise thelevel of muscular tolerance and yourstrength. Even though this is so itis temporary and for a very short time.Studies show that after about 20 minutesor so, you start to notice all the ill-effects associated with alcohol. Thiswill easily negate all the few positivesyou may have felt temporarily. Any wayyou look at the alcohol issue, it can becalled a poison which can bring more harm than good if you are not cautious.
Among the negatives of alcohol are thatit can bring down your tolerance, strengthability to perform exercises, readjustmenttime, ability to digest and your muscle growth. Alcohol also affects your brain as well as your nervous system. Long term useof alcohol will severely degrade yourcentral nervous system. Even using alcoholover a shorter period of time can bringabout muscle strength loss.
When the alcohol reaches blood cells, it mayharm them. Swelling of the muscle cellsis quite common with people who consume alcohol regularly. Over time some of thesecells die and this will bring about weak muscle contractions. Muscles ache longerafter you exercise due to consuming of alcoholwhich will lead to longer healing times.
Alcohol also has varied effects on your heart and circulatory system. When you drink alcohol, you are likely to see a decrease in your tolerance levels. Whenever you drink, your heat loss goes up, because the alcohol simulates your blood vessels and causes hem to dilate. This heat loss causes your muscles to loseheat and they become cold resulting in slower and weaker muscle contractions.
Consuming alcohol can also lead to problemsof the digestive system. Alcohol causes a discharge of insulin that will raisethe metabolism of glycogen, which lets thefat molecules by and this makes the reductionof fat very difficult. Since alcohol obstructs he absorption of many important nutrients, it could result in you becoming anemic and also havea deficiency in several vitamins and minerals.
Liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, keep in mind that the more you drink, the harder the liver works. This adds stress to your liver which may cause grave harm to your liver and perhaps even impair some of your liver cells.
Alcohol is also a diuretic. Consuminga lot of alcohol also adds stress toyour kidneys which also need to workovertime. Alcohol consumption can alsolead to water retention in your body, which is not somebody who exercises regularly would want.
Drinking alcohol is fine if it is consumed in moderate amounts. Also avoid drinking alcohol before working out, as this will result in impairment of your balance, coordination and judgement.
Always put you health first. Before you go to a bar or pub, think about the effects of drinking and you may thendevelop a whole new perspective.

Click For Information On Exercising For Health

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Recharge with Exercise

Nowadays, with the hectic lifestyles getting to the gym is not easy. This busy lifestyle makes it very difficult to maintain a regular exercise routine. On the other hand, we need to workout to reduce stress and energize our body to live a healthy and normal life.
To attain the best results of working out, one needs to do exercises that are functional,using precise methods, have proper food habits, do diverse forms of exercise, have theknowledge,organization and inspiration over a length of time.
The precise methods mean the right way to build muscles or to work on specific areas of the body.Efficiency is required to make sure that themuscles are stimulated. With resistance training orlifting of weights, you will have to get rid ofany force.
It is equally important to utilize the weights to thefull extent. This would cause the muscles to contract for the correct length of time and would in turn make sure the tendons have the right length.The main purpose of doing this is to energize the muscles so as to toughen up the joints of your body.
You can attain very good results by slowing the rate of movement of the weights. This will allow the muscle to contract for more time. For a variety you could mix fast and slow movements which is very useful for sports training.
It is important to use the right angles in weight training so that you can tone up the exact musclesyou are looking to tone and that you do not injure yourself in the process.
Exercises which work on more than one part of the body is also popular. You work the muscleson one part of your body while energizing your core or torso. For example you could perform with a dumbbell press while lying on an exercise ball.
In this case your abdominal muscles and the coremuscles will shrink so as to hold your body in place.This kind of a challenging workout will energize the body to a very high level and therefore make working out a lot more fun.
A form of exercise that is very good for your heart and lungs is the cardiovascular exercise.The amount of calories you lose is as important as maintaining the heart rate. There is a formula for this. It is 220 minus your age times 60 for the lower number and 220 minus 80 times your age for the upper number.
This also helps in dissolving fat.Cardio also helps remove the toxins from your body along with other benefits. It also helps raise your immunity by clearing away the dead cells and bringing in new ones.
It is very important to warm up before you exercise. This helps the body to get ready for a more strenuous workout session. Give yourself 15-30 minutes of warming up before any weight training and 10-15 minutes before any cardio workout. It is also advisableto stretch, because this will keep the blood flowing through the muscles and keep them agile.
A very good routine to follow is to first start with a warm up session, followed by cardio. Alternate the days you do cardio and weight training. If you do weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then do the cardio workout on the other days.
No matter how busy you are to have a regular workout routine, you will notice that by working out you seem to have a lot more energy during the day.Working out hence recharges the batteries of your life to give you more power.

For More Information On Recharging Click Here

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Relation between Stress and Exercise

Working out is usually not the most exciting thing in your life, but it is something with a lots of benefits. Taking part in a regular workout plan can not only make you healthier but also reduce the effects that stress hason your body.

You probably can't count the number of times you have people telling you their illness isstress related. There are people who ridiculethis stating the doctors usually use this as an excuse when they don't know the real cause of the illness. The fact of the matter is that it is truethat stress does lead to many diseases.

Physical activity by exercising or just moving about helps to improve your immune system and to reduce your stress level. Simple exercises like bending backwards and forwards,light stretching and walkingare good exercises you can benefit from. You don't need to invest in gym equipment to bring about movement into your regular physical workout routine.

If you like more vigorous exercise, like aerobics you should try to do it with a friend or partner which makes the whole exercise more fun. Simply, going out for a walk with your partner or friendis not only enjoyable but also has many benefits withregard to your health. Just make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes. Enjoy walking and working out.

To Learn to Work Out Without Stress
Click Here To Get Your FREE Report on Stress and Exercise

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reasons and Benefits of Exercise

Reasons To Exercise

Many us fortunately or unfortunately need to follow an exercise routine, to remain healthy. Here, you will find several good reasons to why you should start exercising without any further delay.

1. Exercise Contributes to fat loss
It has been scientifically proven that physical exercise contributes to weight loss. If you can burn more calories than your system takes in through nutrition, you'll lose weight.When you workout, you tend to lose more calories than when you don't. It's logic is pretty straightforward - the more you exercise, the more weight or fat you lose.

2. Exercise To Prevent disease
The chances of developing various diseases has been proven to decrease substantially upon exercising. Among the diseases are heart attacks,cancer, diabetes, and the stroke.
In studies it is shown that 4 out of 5 deaths causedby heart disease and cancer, are linked to factors that include stress and lack of exercise. It is well known that having diabetes increases the chancesof having a heart attack and stroke. What this means, is that not exercising increasesthe risk factors of getting any disease. To make sure this does not happen, start exercising.

3. Exercise helps to Improve disease
Many major and minor diseases can be improved or even healed through an exercise routine. Among them arethe disease mentioned earlier. By sticking to a regular plan of exercise, you can also reduce HDL cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels and reduceyour blood pressure as well.
Exercising regularly will also decrease the risk of prostate cancer for men, for women, thechance of breast and uterine cancer reduces. A lot of research has been done on this to prove it. This is another strong reason why you should start exercising today.

4. Improve your state of mind
Several scientific studies have shown that exercising on a regular basis leads to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals are shown to reduce depression and make you feel happy. The body releases these endorphins with only 12 minutes into the exercise routine.

There is also another chemical known as serotonin that is increased during and after exercise. The higher levels of serotonin in the central nervous system makes you feel good and reduces mental depression.The chemical also helps you to sleep better at night.

Do You Want Help In Starting An Exercise Routine?
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Sleep, Health and Exercise - The Connection

One of the most important things to good health is getting a good night's sleep. The amount of sleep you get depends on how active you have been through the day. In other words how much you have exerted yourself physically is the measure of your physical activity. The more physical activity your body gets the more your body and mind will rest at night, which in turn makes you fall asleep much faster.

If you stick to a daily exercise program, you will see that not only the time you take to fall asleep at night is less but the kind of sleep you get will be very good.Also the change between rhythm and condition of sleep will be easier and more routine.It has been shown that keeping yourself physically active throughout the day will help you tackle the stress and anxieties of your life.
Research on this subject matter has shown that there is a direct link between how much we work out and our mood later on.

You should try to raise your level of physical activity through the day. The aim in doing this is to provide sufficient stimulation in the day, so that your body is calm and ready to be rested at night.

To keep your body healthy,fit and working well it needs some amount of exercise.It is imperative that you avoid exercising three or four hours before you go to bed.
The best time to exercise is around late afternoon or early evening. You want to make sure you exhaust your physical energy sufficiently long before it is time for your body to relax and prepare itself for sleep.

You should also try to work out at least three or four times a week for a stretch of 30 minutes or so. Some of the exercises you may want to do can be walking or something which is easy. If you like to you can also put add some exhausting activities like running to your routine.

The aim behind doing this, is to bring up your heart rate and make your lungs stronger. For generally improving your overall health, it is generally suggested that you have a regular exercise routine.This will also help you in your emotional well-being.

Besides running and walking there are various kinds of activities that can be added to your everyday life to raise your level of physical activity. If you are fighting against sleeplessness or insomnia you may find aerobic exercises to be very helpful and probably among the best.

Exercise is known to raise the level of oxygen that reaches your blood stream. There are several kinds of exercises for you to pick from. Among them some common ones are running, biking, using a treadmill, different kinds of dancing and skipping.

There are some exercises that are not as strenuous but you may find them useful or advantageous in solving your insomnia problem.

Among the various exercise options available, Yoga and Tai Chi are quite popular.

Yoga is an exercise that has an effect of stimulating your nervous system, especially the brain.Yoga uses breathing techniques and the postures in Yoga are meant to increase the blood circulation to the brain. This brings about a constant and relaxed sleep routine.Doing Yoga regularly is believed to help you get rid of tension, anxiety and stress and also helps you to remain calm.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is another form of exercise which also is based on breathing and motion. This has been around for a very long time, and was developed by the Chinese monks. The technique involves slow and precise movements, which is perfect especially if you experience joint pains or are not able to take part in aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that Tai Chi can also help with sleeplessness by increasing relaxation.

Nowadays with our the busy lifestyle, you may find that you dont have any time to work out routinely. In such cases also, you should try to pull together a few minutes a day or evey other day or at least whenever possible for a workout. You could do simple things like take the flight of stairs to your office or wherever you need to go, instead of taking the elevator.These kind of little things also will benefit your body immensely.

Another simple thing you could follow is to park your car around the corner and walk the extra mile or quarter of a mile to get to wherever you need to go.

In this manner you could come up with several small things to do to keep yourself physically active.The main purpose of this is to lead a healthy,fit and hence happy life, which surely includes a full night of Good Quality Sleep.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Picking The Health Exercise That Works For You

You can pick the kind of exercise you would like to do depending on your likes and dislikes. If you would like to join a health club by paying their fees to become a member or not, or whether you would like to buy any of the fitness or health machines that are available in the market
today, is entirely upto you. These are some of the things you should think about before picking the kind of exercise you would like to do.
If you happen to pick something you do not particularly like, you probably will not stick to
it for very long. For example - if you do not like running or jogging, you will not be able to get yourself up at 6 AM to go jogging or running. If you dislike all kinds of exercise, then you could pick the one that you dislike the least. Usually walking is a good choice.Walking is an excellent form of exercise, as it works for all kinds of people of different fitness levels. One can start a walking routine at any time. Usually its the energy and length of time that differs. Another advantage of Walking is also a popular and friendly exercise, as it is easy to get an exercise partner to talk to while you walk. Walking with a friend will also make the time go by very quickly.
Whatever exercise you pick,begin at you should start at a low level of force in exercise and gradually move it up over a length of time, which is necessary if you want to be able to stick to the exercise routine. If you begin with a high intensity routine, up you might hurt yourself and it will need you to stop working out till it heals. which will require time off to get over.
If you are not happy with the way you look, you should begin by walking for about 10 minutes
every day. Then, you could increase the time by 5 minutes. You could do this every 2 weeks.In
order that your walking routine does not bore you, you could change your walking route every
2 weeks. You could also try to get a different friend to walk with you every week.
If you would rather do something else instead of walking, you could join a health club. They
have different kinds of equipment and people who are trained professionally to help you.
While choosing a health club, find out about the services they offer. If you are not happy
with the service of a particular health club even before you join, you will surely not be
happy after you join. You should also check to see if they are maintaining their machines.
To do this make sure you don't hear any squeaky noises from the machine, which is a sign that
the machine is not maintained.
If you are still wondering what you should do, then you could consider taking up a game like
golf or tennis. Like walking this is also an exercise you could do along with a friend and
even meet new friends. Tennis is very good for fitness, but it should not be done by someone
who is just beginning to work out. If you have not worked out for a while, you should
consider taking up golf.

For more information on Staying Fit and Exercising

Friday, May 8, 2009

Moving Towards Stayng Fit

It is not easy these days to find the inspiration to stay fit. Just as the seasons come and
go, our motivations to stay healthy changes. The hectic activity around holidays, the chilly
days of winter, and all those nice electronic accessories are among the reasons we use to not
keep up a regular interest in getting in shape or to make exercise a habit. What we must
definitely know though, are what lack of activity does to our body.

Among the various ill-effects of lack of exercise are heart disease, stroke or diabetes to
name a few. On the positive side, research shows that all of these without doubt that these
ailments can be stopped or turned around; that is to say, that moving from a inactive
lifestyle to an active one can be exceedingly advantageous over a period of time. Just exercise, even without change in food habits, can considerably bring down the risks for any
of these diseases to a smaller degree.

The first thing to do is to eliminate and possibly turn around the reasons for not exercising to really doing it. Using some of these approaches to make you want to exercise will be very significant. Some things you may want to try are playing the songs that you like while jogging, looking for the exercises that you actually have fun doing, keeping certain times in a day or week when exercise is the main aim of the day. These will aid you to be driven to keep moving.

Getting into a routine of exercising is the perfect way to stay driven to working out; your body will become used to exercising regularly. Your brain has the power to develop firm and good energy that brings about definite activity which will let you to live an active and whole life.

Encouraging talk to oneself works amazingly for inspiration and also seeing the effects of prior efforts(waist getting thinner, or the six pack). Self inspiration is the final inspiration. Self boost is the ultimate motivation. You will thank yourself for doing this.

For information on Moving Towards Staying Fit

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog about Always Staying Healthy.