Everybody looks forward to Friday evening and the weekend. A lot of us like to go out and have a few drinks with friends, especially after a hard work week. It is time to unwind. Thoughthere is nothing wrong with this, one mustremember a few things.
You may think since you exercise everyday, consuming a few alcoholic drinks to unwind is quite harmless. That said you still need to bear a few things in mind.
Studies have shown that even a smallquantity of alcohol tends to raise thelevel of muscular tolerance and yourstrength. Even though this is so itis temporary and for a very short time.Studies show that after about 20 minutesor so, you start to notice all the ill-effects associated with alcohol. Thiswill easily negate all the few positivesyou may have felt temporarily. Any wayyou look at the alcohol issue, it can becalled a poison which can bring more harm than good if you are not cautious.
Among the negatives of alcohol are thatit can bring down your tolerance, strengthability to perform exercises, readjustmenttime, ability to digest and your muscle growth. Alcohol also affects your brain as well as your nervous system. Long term useof alcohol will severely degrade yourcentral nervous system. Even using alcoholover a shorter period of time can bringabout muscle strength loss.
When the alcohol reaches blood cells, it mayharm them. Swelling of the muscle cellsis quite common with people who consume alcohol regularly. Over time some of thesecells die and this will bring about weak muscle contractions. Muscles ache longerafter you exercise due to consuming of alcoholwhich will lead to longer healing times.
Alcohol also has varied effects on your heart and circulatory system. When you drink alcohol, you are likely to see a decrease in your tolerance levels. Whenever you drink, your heat loss goes up, because the alcohol simulates your blood vessels and causes hem to dilate. This heat loss causes your muscles to loseheat and they become cold resulting in slower and weaker muscle contractions.
Consuming alcohol can also lead to problemsof the digestive system. Alcohol causes a discharge of insulin that will raisethe metabolism of glycogen, which lets thefat molecules by and this makes the reductionof fat very difficult. Since alcohol obstructs he absorption of many important nutrients, it could result in you becoming anemic and also havea deficiency in several vitamins and minerals.
Liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, keep in mind that the more you drink, the harder the liver works. This adds stress to your liver which may cause grave harm to your liver and perhaps even impair some of your liver cells.
Alcohol is also a diuretic. Consuminga lot of alcohol also adds stress toyour kidneys which also need to workovertime. Alcohol consumption can alsolead to water retention in your body, which is not somebody who exercises regularly would want.
Drinking alcohol is fine if it is consumed in moderate amounts. Also avoid drinking alcohol before working out, as this will result in impairment of your balance, coordination and judgement.
Always put you health first. Before you go to a bar or pub, think about the effects of drinking and you may thendevelop a whole new perspective.
Click For Information On Exercising For Health
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